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Industrial Access Controls, LLC (IAC) markets, distributes and supports an array of ultramodern, technological and safety intrinsic solutions to end-users, government agencies and Tier 1 distributors of material handling equipment (MHE) fleet. Our expertise and focus reside in the following key categories

     • Vehicle-Mounted Telematics Systems
     • Vehicle- Mounted Camera / Vision Systems (designed to enhance load picking safety and accuracy)
     • Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs)
     • Power Management
     • Hydrogen Fuel Cell and Molecule Supply

At IAC, we understand the challenges enterprises and distributors face with identifying, measuring, analyzing and improving performance of their mobile assets across their facilities in regards to safety, accountability, government (OSHA) compliance and operational effectiveness. We address each challenge by implementing state-of-the-art solutions and remain with our customers every step of the way to ensure ‘solution adoptability’ and best-practices.

Call us today to discuss your challenges 888.878.0827


Telematics is an interdisciplinary field that encompasses telecommunications, vehicular technologies, transportation, safety, electrical engineering (sensors, instrumentation, wireless communications, etc.), and computer science (multimedia, Internet, etc.).

Our Staff

Our knowledgeable staff is always eager to assist, providing support for all solutions we provide. Not only will we install our solutions and onboard your managers properly, we will work side by side with your staff to bring solutions to help your company operate.

Please use the contact form below to inquire what we can do for your organization.

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